{{-- Name: Sendout.stat-display.blade Author: JH2 Created: 2015-05-27 Description: This blade is used to display Models\Stat data in a chart Updated by: Description: Params: content_id - String, Unique string used by blade to prevent duplication of content when multiple instances of the same element is used --}} @extends('partials.box') @section('header-title', $sendout->name ?? '') @section($content_id)
@if(isset($subHeader) && is_array($subHeader) && !empty($subHeader)) @foreach($subHeader as $key => $value) @if(isset($value['link'])) @else @endif @endforeach
{{ $value['label'] }}      {{ $value['value'] }} {!! str_limit($value['value'], 300, ' ...' . Lang::get('sendout.expand') . '') !!}
@if(is_null($sendout->stop_time) && is_null($sendout->abort_time)) {{ trans('sendout.abortSendout') }} {!! Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE', 'route' => ['sendout.destroy', $sendout->id], 'class' => 'delete-form']) !!} {!! Form::close() !!} @elseif(!is_null($sendout->abort_time)) {{ trans('sendout.abortedSendoutInfo', ['date' => $sendout->abort_time]) }} @elseif(!is_null($sendout->stop_time)) @lang('sendout.pdfPrint') @endif

1 {{ Lang::get('sendout.day') }} @if ($sendout->start_time->isPast()) @if ($sendout->start_time->diffInDays(Carbon\Carbon::now()) >= 1) 1 {{ Lang::get('sendout.week') }} @endif @if ($sendout->start_time->diffInDays(Carbon\Carbon::now()) >= 7) 2 {{ Lang::get('sendout.weeks') }} @endif @if ($sendout->start_time->diffInDays(Carbon\Carbon::now()) >= 14) 3 {{ Lang::get('sendout.weeks') }} @endif @if ($sendout->start_time->diffInDays(Carbon\Carbon::now()) >= 21) 4 {{ Lang::get('sendout.weeks') }} @endif @endif

{{ Lang::get('sendout.chart.header') }}

@stop @section('footer-script') @stop