{{-- Name: app.blade Author: JH2 Created: 2015-04-24 Description: This is the main template used when logged in. Updated by: BH 2015-10-13 Description: Fixed some indents and styling of the page. Aligned the flag and added translations to all the texts. Updated by: BH 2016-03-01 Description: whent throught the code and tried to clean it. Updated by: BH 2016-05-25 Description: Adds functionality for medialibrary --}} @yield('_pageTitle') - Nuhet {{-- Create a hook in --}} @yield('header')
{{-- If we are displaying another company then we really are (admin feature) show notice --}} @if(Auth::check() && !is_null(Auth::user()->override_company_id)) @if(Auth::user()->hasRole('reseller')) {{-- This is a reseller --}} {{ Lang::get('company.overrideDetected', ['company' => Auth::user()->company->name]) }} @else {{-- This is normal admin --}} {{ Lang::get('company.overrideDetected', ['company' => Auth::user()->company->name]) }} @endif @endif {{-- Include main navigation --}} @if(Auth::check()) @include('partials.navigation') @endif
@if(Auth::user()->newAgreements($agreementCode ?? null)->count() != 0) @endif
{{-- Include header-right content --}} @if(Auth::check()) @include('partials.header-right') @endif
{{-- @if (!Auth::guest() && (array_key_exists('details_missing', Auth::user()->getSession()) && Auth::user()->getSession()['details_missing'] < 100) && Auth::user()->isMainUser()) @if (!isset($_COOKIE["account-details-alert"]))
  • {!! Lang::get('notice.detailsMissing') !!} {!! Lang::get('notice.detailsFill') !!}
  • @endif @endif --}} {{-- Beta text --}} {{-- @if(true)
  • {!! Lang::get('beta.infoText') !!}
  • @endif --}} {{-- If the company is pending removal make a visible header label that states this to the user --}} @if(Auth::user()->company->status == 0 && App\Models\Job::where('queue', 'remove_company_' . Auth::user()->company_id)->count() != 0)
    {{ Lang::get('notice.accountRemovalAlert') }} {{Auth::user()->company->expire_date->diffForHumans()}} ({{ Auth::user()->company->expire_date }})
    {{-- If main-right yield is empty we will stretch main-left to full width. --}} @if (trim($__env->yieldContent('main-right')) == false)
    {{-- Main content --}} @yield('main-left')
    {{-- Main content --}} @yield('main-left')
    {{-- Right sidebar --}} @yield('main-right') {{-- Display box for free accounts --}} @if(Auth::check() && Auth::user()->company->package->monthly_cost == 0) @include('partials.freePopUp', [ 'content_id' => microtime(), 'header_title' => Lang::get('global.freePopUp.headerTitle'), ]) @endif
    @include('partials.medialibrary') @include('partials.alert') @include('partials.supportModule') {{-- @if(Auth::user()->newAgreements($agreementCode ?? null)->count() != 0) --}} {{-- @endif --}} @if (session()->has('manuals')) @include('partials.manual-modal-jscript') @endif {{-- Create a hook for scripts --}} @yield('footer-script') {{-- Add tutorials --}} {{-- @include('tutorials.index') --}} @include('partials.googleAnalytics')